I'm a postdoctoral fellow at the MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms researching atomic platforms for quantum computing. I obtained my PhD at the University of Toronto in 2021, and currently live in Boston, MA with my wife, where I enjoy photography, cycling, rock climbing, backpacking, mountaineering, and travelling.
I am an experimental physicist researching atomic physics platforms for quantum computing and quantum networking. My research focuses on harnessing the power of nonlocal entanglement to build scalable quantum networks and modular fault-tolerant quantum computers with atom arrays and optical cavities. I am also interested in quantum error correction in distributed architectures, quantum foundations, and novel uses of entanglement.
I enjoy photography. If you want to see some of my favorite photos, check out my photography page. If you like science-y photos, you might enjoy my physics Instagram account, where I post photos of quantum optics and atomic physics labs at MIT and Harvard.
Photos of quantum optics and atomic physics labs at MIT and Harvard taken by @sinclairjosiah.